AneznoDelftHow to achieve
release time:2024-04-17 19:44:44

Spiral electric lifting mechanism: With all the functions of a regular lifting platform,Items and other miscellaneous items.Setting requirements: For construction electric elevators that operate in multiple shifts, the handover system should be implemented, and drivers should fill out the handover record form according to the standard requirements. The driver should conduct a pre shift inspection and confirm that there are no errors before starting the machine for operation.Mercedes, in addition to lighting and sound, stage machinery is particularly important on the stage. On the stage, there are suspension rods, suspension points, lighting bridges lighting suspension cages, and fire curtains. Under the stage, there are lifting platforms, car platforms, turntables, or there are lifting platforms in the turntables. Various types of lifting platforms are equipped in professional opera houses, dance theaters, drama theaters, and many internationally renowned music halls. It has the functions of quickly changing scenery, meeting the needs of stage craft layout, meeting the needs of stage design and choreographers, creating special atmosphere and effects, and changing the stage form according to the needs of the performance.During the use period, the user unit should organize professional technical personnel to inspect the construction electric elevator monthly according to the standard requirements, and record the inspection results.

AneznoDelftHow to achieve

The verticality of the guide rail frame should meet the requirements of the specifications.Mobile electric elevators are divided into: four wheel mobile lifting platform, two wheel traction lifting platform, car modified lifting platform, manual lifting platform, manual lifting platform, and AC/DC dual purpose lifting platformSmall safe operation distance: Circuit voltage (kV) of external power lines<~~~ Small safe operation distance (m) Setting requirements: A small safe distance should be maintained between the outer edge of the construction electric elevator and the edge of the external overhead power line.device management,For customers to use and operate the lifting platform for a long time, the editor briefly introduces how to maintain and repair the lifting platform: First of all, normal maintenance is mainly focused on prevention, especially if any damage or malfunction is detected and corrected or repaired in a timely manner. Careful inspection and maintenance at this time can save costs and avoid larger problems, resulting in costly repairs.When the door is closed,AneznoRidker ,AneznoYingze, except for the gap between the lower part of the door that should not exceed mm, any through-hole and opening size related to the distance between any door and adjacent moving parts, as well as the gap around the door or the gap between parts, should comply with the provisions of Table of GB -.The landing door should be in a normally closed state. Without the permission of the construction electric elevator driver,Installation verticality deviation guide rail frame erection height, h/mH≤ H& gt; verticality deviation/mm≤ (/h≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ pairs of steel wire rope construction electric elevators, the verticality deviation of the guide rail frame should not exceed (/) h.Construction electric elevators should be equipped with lower limit switches that are sensitive and reliable.To meet the needs of choreographers and choreographers in different plays different heights of the lifting platform can be used to change the shape of the stage according to the requirements of the choreographers and choreographers, in order to adapt to the requirements of the plot for the scenery or venue, and save manpower and material resources for setting up. By using the tilting device of the lifting platform to form a tilted platform, a better highlighting effect can be achieved in various performances. According to the needs of the plot, special atmosphere and effects can be created. Even simple stage machinery often participates in performance activities, creating unexpected atmosphere and effects according to the needs of the plot. For example using the low-speed descent of the lifting platform to represent a sunken ship in the sea, using the valves on the lifting platform and the sudden disappearance and appearance of actors on the lifting platform.AneznoSpeed limit wire rope switch. When the speed limit wire rope trips or breaks. Make the electric elevator unable to start.A complete lifting platform accessory can be selected and customized according to different places, venues, and environmental usage conditions. Meet the needs of different users. So why lifting platforms can be used and installed in so many industries and places is because they can achieve multi-purpose, demonstrate multifunctional, meet various different needs, and win market demand. In modern industrial transportation processes, lifting platforms have begun to play an increasingly important role, whether in airports, docks, warehouses, floors, workshops and other places that require rapid loading and unloading of goods, they have played a very practical value, It has also brought great contributions to the entire industry and even the entire economic development. However, long-term operation and use of these devices inevitably lead to wear and consumption, and regular maintenance and upkeep are essential. Otherwise, both work efficiency and utilization rate will decrease, and at that time, the gains and losses will outweigh the losses.Chain type electric lifting mechanism: With a good guiding mechanism, it can ensure that the equipment does not tilt during operation. Gear and rack electric lifting mechanism: precise transmission and high cost.

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